In over a century, Seton Hill has experienced dramatic growth and transformation from a Catholic, liberal arts women’s college to a co-educational, comprehensive University. The following represents the transformation that Seton Hill has experienced throughout the decades:
> The University’s assets have grown from $600,000 to more than $100 million.
> Seton Hill’s endowment has multiplied from $100,000 to more than $35 million today.
> A modest campus of five buildings has sprawled out to include more than twenty-five facilities on-campus and in the City of Greensburg.
> Seton Hill’s student body has expanded from 39 undergraduate women to more than 2,200 men and women of all ages, enrolling in undergraduate and graduate programs.
> Faculty have increased from 24 members serving a common liberal arts curriculum to more than 100 full-time professors that offer 30 undergraduate majors and 8 graduate degree programs.
> Two graduates in 1919 have now swelled to more than 17,000 graduates located in all 50 U.S. states and nearly 40 different countries all over the world.