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5 Ways to Create a Scholarship & Their Advantages


5 Ways to Create a Scholarship & Their Advantages

Consider creating a named scholarship for you, a loved one, or a favorite mentor at Seton Hill. 

  • Annual scholarships can be given online, by phone, or by mail at any amount.  The total amount of your gift will be awarded as a scholarship for a Seton Hill student. 
  • Endowed scholarships are invested so that your scholarship remains in perpetuity at Seton Hill and between 4-7% of the principal invested by you is awarded as a scholarship to a Seton Hill student.

For more information: Visit our Endowed Scholarship Q&A or contact Lisa Carino, Associate Vice President for Institutional Advancement, at 724-838-2409 or by email,

1. Outright Gifts
See Your Scholarship Work Immediately

Make a gift of cash or securities at any level for annual scholarships OR consider a multi-year pledge to create an endowed scholarship.  Watch your fund make an immediate and meaningful impact on students.

2. Monthly Recurring Gifts
A Flexible Option for Your Budget

You can create an annual scholarship at any level per month OR make a larger monthly commitment over 3 to 5 years to support an endowed scholarship.  You have the flexibility to build your named scholarship over time with a monthly credit card or debit gift.

3. IRA Rollover Gifts
Experience Tax Savings

Make a gift from your annual IRA distribution to support a named endowed scholarship.  This option allows donors 70 1/2 or older to experience tax savings on their minimum required distribution by forwarding it to a charitable institution.  Click here to learn more.

4. IRA or Retirement Beneficiary Designations
Avoid Double Taxation

Donors appreciate the ability to name Seton Hill as beneficiary to their IRA or retirement funds and avoid double taxation that happens at their death.  Let us know that you are thinking about establishing a scholarship with your IRA or retirement plan assets by learning more about our 1918 Legacy Circle.

5. Bequests
Make an Impact & Lower State and Federal Estate Taxes

Bequests are a special way to make a significant impact, while lowering the burden of state and federal estate taxes. You may wish give a percentage or specific amount from your estate plans.  Share with us your intent to fund a scholarship through your estate and we will assist you in establishing and naming it today. Click here to learn more about Seton Hill's 1918 Legacy Circle.