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Meet Christy Gordon ’22

christy_gordonChristy fell in love with Seton Hill University’s campus after attending the Women in Science Day, which she had the opportunity to be a part of as a sophomore in high school through the Women in Science scholarship at Seton Hill. She heard about the scholarship from her high school teacher and applied because she thought it would be a great first step towards her dream of becoming a doctor. “After touring the science buildings and getting to experience science classes taught by Seton Hill faculty, I knew Seton Hill was where I wanted to go,” says Christy. 

Christy said she wanted to make the most of her time at Seton Hill, and she’s done just that by becoming very involved on campus. She is a student ambassador, orientation leader, member of three science clubs on campus, and serves on the Provost’s Setonians Advising Committee. In addition to these efforts, Christy is most proud of the work she has done with SHU CRU, Seton Hill’s student life social media team, which she helped to establish before her first year on campus. “At my orientation day, we participated in an ice breaker challenge where the person who posted the most on social media and tagged Seton Hill would win a gift card to the bookstore,” said Christy. 

Given that Christy is a social media “guru,” she was up for the challenge, and won. Christy’s efforts were recognized by Seton Hill staff, and she was invited to help manage Seton Hill’s Student Life social media pages. “People started to recognize me as the girl who Snapchatted everything,” said Christy, “I would show up to events on campus and record live for Snapchat or Instagram and take photos for future posts.”

Christy’s efforts began to get recognized around campus and soon enough other student groups and departments across campus were asking her to promote their events on social media. “The whole thing blew up and by my sophomore year, we had to put together a team because it became too much work for one person,” said Christy, “We brought on a videographer, photographer and content manager, and referred to ourselves as the ‘SHUfluencers.’ Our team kept growing and as we got more attention we decided to become official. We are now known as the SHU CRU. I am so proud to have established a social media team on campus that started with the work I had been doing myself as a freshman. My hope is that this group will continue to grow.”

Christy says that being a part of SHU CRU as well as the other involvement she has had on campus has helped her grow as a person, and she believes all of it will help her become a better doctor someday. “Seton Hill has provided me with a good foundation towards becoming the best doctor I can be. In addition to the knowledge I am gaining in the classroom, my extracurricular activities are providing me with the necessary leadership skills, compassion towards others, and the ability to work with people from various backgrounds,” says Christy. “The connections I have made have helped me so much. Even though I will graduate in 2022, I don’t see myself ever losing Seton Hill.”

Seton Hill has left its mark on Christy, and Christy has certainly left her mark on Seton Hill.