Meet Lara Brady '20
Meet Lara Brady, a senior in the Adult Degree Program at Seton Hill studying accounting. After graduating from high school, Lara decided she wanted to continue her education by going to college. However, shortly into her college career, Lara found herself unhappy and decided to put college on hold. Eventually life took a different direction. College became a distant memory to Lara as the responsibilities of raising a family and working took over. However, Lara would learn that it is never too late to start over.
Years later, when her daughter was nearing high school graduation and looking at colleges, Lara began to get the urge to go back to school. At a college fair for her daughter, Lara made her way to Seton Hill’s recruiting table and began inquiring about her daughter attending. However, after the conversation Lara had with the admissions counselor, Lara realized that Seton Hill actually seemed like the best fit for her.
“Being the oldest student in the classroom was a bit scary at first, but it didn’t take long for me to fit in and feel at home,” Lara says. Since Lara decided to forgo the adult degree classes that are offered on evenings and Saturdays, she was placed in traditional undergraduate classes with traditional undergraduate students - and she was often the oldest student in the classroom. Lara says that although it took her and her classmates some time to get used to one another, in the end, it was a great learning experience for everyone. “I think it helped prepare us for jobs in the real world because I might be working for a boss who is younger than me just like they will likely be working for someone older than them,” Lara says,
Lara says the people she has met at Seton Hill have made a difference in her life, and she hopes she did the same for others. “I worked in the Graduate and Adult Studies Office for some time and had the opportunity to speak with prospective students about Seton Hill,” says Lara, “It allowed me to show them the same welcoming experience that was shown to me. I like to think that some of those conversations I had ultimately led to those students coming to Seton Hill.”
“My experience at Seton Hill has been nothing but positive,” says Lara. “From the first time I stepped on campus, I felt at home.” She said that right away she was told about all of the opportunities that existed for her on campus and she did her best to take advantage of every last one of them, including the TRIO program at Seton Hill. Through this program, Lara has received the Student of the Year award two years in row. She was also able to make Dean’s List this past year, which Lara says is one of her proudest achievements. “The more I got to know my professors, and the more they got to know me, I found how willing they are to help you open doors,” says Lara. “Seton Hill has helped me to make positive changes in my life, and I feel ready to begin my future career.”