Meet Shane Simpson '24
When Shane Simpson began his college search, he had a general idea of his major - but wasn’t sure what to call it.
“At first, I considered it to be Computer Forensics, which led to many colleges telling me that I can double major in their Computer Science and Forensic Science programs. This wasn’t what I wanted,” Shane said. Shane continued his search and found Seton Hill’s Cybersecurity program. It was then he realized this was the educational path he wanted to pursue, and after touring campus, decided he wanted to come to Seton Hill. “I just loved the physical atmosphere of the campus: the beautiful plants and trees, rustic architecture, and the views of Greensburg from up on the Hill itself. It gave me a sense of feeling welcome and at home,” said Shane.
Before attending Seton Hill, Shane had the opportunity to participate in Griffin for a Day, which allows prospective students to experience academics and campus life, and provide an introduction to faculty, staff and current students. “I saw how dedicated the professors were to teaching their students. It wasn’t just a ‘you sit there, I stand here, I talk, you listen’ environment, which I greatly appreciated. The professors genuinely cared about their students. I knew that Seton Hill was the university for me after that day, and I definitely know that I made the right decision in coming here.”
Shane is hoping to take the knowledge and experience he has gained at Seton Hill to help others. “My goal for my Honors Capstone project is to create a website to help spread cybersecurity awareness, promote tips and tricks for good cyber hygiene (e.g., what does and does not make a good password), and bring technological information to others in an easy-to-understand manner.” Shane wants to help everyone, regardless of their previous experience with technology, become familiar with the latest tech and remain safe while doing so. “This goal becomes much easier to achieve through the many resources available to me at Seton Hill,” said Shane. “I am able to collaborate with the professors, faculty, and staff in the Seton Hill University Technology Department to make this a beneficial project for the community.”
In addition to academics, Shane was drawn to Seton Hill’s Catholic identity. As a practicing Catholic, Shane attends Sunday evening Mass every week on campus where he serves as the Sacristan and Lector. “These roles have allowed me to explore my faith even further, allowing me to connect with Jesus on a more personal level. Being a Lector helps to bring me closer to God through reading the Bible to my fellow churchgoers,” said Shane. “I greatly appreciate being able to continue practicing my faith with my friends and fellow classmates at Seton Hill.”
Outside of Mass, Shane is a member of Campus Ministry’s Peer Ministry Council (or PMC for short). PMC consists of students of varying faiths who work together to help create a supportive faith atmosphere on campus. “We do this through a variety of means, including ice cream socials, synods, discussion-style events, and by giving away handcrafted items to the campus community,” said Shane. “This work allows not just me, but everyone on the PMC, to help spread Jesus’ message of love and respect to our fellow students and help to make the campus inclusive and welcoming to people of all faiths, not just Christians. We want to bring love and acceptance to not just our campus community, but to the world as a whole.”
Shane is also very glad to call himself one of the inaugural members of Seton Hill’s Esports team, which is launching in Fall 2022. “The thought of being part of Seton Hill’s history in such a big way and representing Seton Hill on the Hearthstone Team is exhilarating,” said Shane. “Many times throughout my life I’ve been told that playing video games is a waste of time and that it would never benefit me, financially or otherwise. Yet, here I am, competitively representing Seton Hill University through playing a videogame and earning a scholarship to do so.” Shane is eager to begin practices so he can hone his skills and develop deeper bonds with his fellow teammates. Shane has two pieces of advice to share with others: “Don’t let someone tell you that your hobbies are a waste of time, and don’t let someone try to put down your ambitions or passions in life.”